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Final Expense Quotes Ages 50-85

One of the main questions that people have when they’re in the market for final expense life insurance, is “how much does it cost”?

In this article, we’re going to break down the average cost of final expense insurance for seniors 50-85.

What Is Covered In This Article

First things first.

Before we get into the depth of the article it would be a good idea for us to first explain what final expense insurance is.

What is Final Expense – Burial Insurance?

Final expense life insurance is sometimes referred to as burial insurance. It’s a whole life insurance policy designed for seniors ages 50-85 to cover end-of-life expenses.

These expenses are also known as final expenses. 

Final expenses usually include but are not limited to:

  • burial or cremation costs
  • funeral service fees
  • probate fees
  • legal fees
  • medical fees
  • unpaid debt

The underwriting process for final expense insurance is different from traditional life insurance.

Insurance companies designed final expense insurance policies with seniors in mind.

They’re designed to be more lenient towards medical conditions than traditional life insurance. Thus allowing seniors to qualify for burial coverage with major medical conditions.

All at affordable rates.

Why Do Seniors Purchase Final Expense Insurance?

Most seniors have been to many funerals and have seen so many people die in their lifetime. And, most of the people who passed away had no life insurance or didn’t have enough.

We all know of people whose families had to resort to collect donations to pay for the funeral.

Most fundraisers include carwashes, Go-Fund-Me accounts, and church donations to pay for funeral expenses

This exact reason is why seniors buy final expense life insurance. It protects their loved ones from financial hardship when they die.

What is the Difference Between Final Expense and Burial Insurance?

You may see the terms final expense and burial insurance in this same article, but please don’t confuse the two… they’re both the same.

In fact, final expense insurance, funeral insurance, and burial insurance are all the same thing. There is no difference.

Some insurance companies call their product final expense and some call their product burial insurance.

Benefits of Final Expense Life Insurance

Here are some of the benefits of final expense life insurance: 

  • Purchase as little or as much as you need ($2,000 – $40,000)
  • No medical exam required
  • Day 1 coverage (depending on medical condition)
  • Price lock guarantee (rates never increase)
  • Death benefit never decreases
  • Builds cash value that can be borrowed from
  • The policy lasts your whole life and never expires
  • You can still qualify with major health issues
  • Easy to apply

Who Can Purchase Final Expense Insurance?

Seniors ages 50-85: You can purchase final expense insurance for yourself. You can buy final expense insurance for your spouse.

You can also buy final expense insurance for your adult children over 50 years of age.

Children over 18: If you are 18 or older you can buy life insurance for your parents.

Grandchildren over 18: You can buy final expense life insurance for your grandparents. You must be at least 18 years old.

Burial Insurance Quotes For Seniors 50-59

Purchasing final expense insurance in your 50s is not as costly as you may think. 

A 50-year-old healthy female who doesn’t smoke can buy $10,000 in coverage for as low as $24 a month.

The great thing about your policy is that your rate stays locked in at the same price for the rest of your life. The benefit will never decrease.

Note: Final Expense benefit amounts begin at $2,000 and go as high as $50,000. You are not limited to the benefit amounts shown below.

Quotes For 50-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$13.76$24.31$34.86$45.43
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$16.54$30.45$44.35$58.26
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$14.98$28.98$42.80$56.71
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$15.24$27.92$40.61$53.29
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$20.74$38.27$55.81$73.34
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$20.43$39.78$59.14$78.50

Quotes For 51-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$14.14$25.07$36.00$46.94
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$17.00$31.36$47.02$60.09
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$18.93$36.94$54.95$72.97
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$17.32$31.44$45.43$59.03
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$21.34$39.47$57.61$75.74
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$24.15$47.39$70.63$93.87

Quotes For 52-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$14.51$25.82$37.13$48.43
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$17.74$32.83$47.93$63.03
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$19.98$38.89$57.33$77.18
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$17.64$32.08$46.51$60.95
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$21.99$40.77$59.55$78.34
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$25.67$50.42$75.17$99.92

Quotes For 53-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$14.82$26.44$38.06$49.68
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$18.57$34.50$50.42$66.35
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$20.95$40.88$60.32$81.03
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$17.97$32.73$47.50$62.26
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$23.71$43.90$63.95$84.00
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$27.09$53.26$79.43$105.60

Quotes For 54-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$15.14$27.08$39.02$50.96
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$19.82$35.73$52.27$68.82
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$21.82$42.67$63.00$84.52
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$18.72$34.24$49.76$65.27
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$24.52$45.24$65.96$86.68
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$28.33$55.73$83.14$110.55

Quotes For 55-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$15.45$27.71$39.96$52.21
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$20.13$37.62$54.93$71.97
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$22.60$44.27$65.40$87.63
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$19.58$52.32$52.32$68.69
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$25.14$35.95$67.81$89.15
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$29.43$57.93$86.42$114.95

Quotes For 56-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$15.90$28.59$41.28$53.97
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$20.68$38.00$55.10$72.20
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$23.47$46.02$68.08$91.12
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$20.30$37.40$54.49$71.59
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$25.55$47.30$69.05$90.80
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$30.25$59.58$88.92$118.25

Quotes For 57-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$16.59$29.98$43.37$56.76
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$20.95$38.09$55.24$72.39
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$24.15$47.39$70.17$93.87
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$21.00$38.79$56.58$74.37
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$25.92$48.03$70.15$92.26
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$30.98$61.05$91.12$121.18

Quotes For 58-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$17.02$30.83$44.64$58.46
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$21.05$38.30$55.56$72.81
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$24.84$48.77$72.30$96.62
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$21.71$40.22$58.73$77.23
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$26.28$48.75$71.23$93.71
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$31.63$62.33$93.04$123.75

Quotes For 59-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$17.45$31.70$45.95$60.20
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$21.45$39.10$56.75$74.40
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$25.48$50.05$74.26$99.18
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$22.52$41.84$61.16$80.47
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$26.78$49.75$72.73$95.70
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$32.08$63.25$94.42$125.58

Burial Insurance Quotes For Seniors 60-69

Burial insurance for seniors 60 – 69 is very affordable.

At this age, the insurance company isn’t taking on a significant amount of risk. Thus, allowing them to keep the cost of burial insurance premiums for seniors over 60 low.

Once you look at the rates for seniors over 60 and below, we know you’ll agree that rates are very affordable.

Note: Final Expense benefit amounts begin at $2,000 and go as high as $50,000. You are not limited to the benefit amounts shown below.

Quotes For 60-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$18.04$32.87$47.70$62.53
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$22.57$41.34$60.12$78.89
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$25.99$51.06$75.84$101.20
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$23.48$42.76$64.04$84.32
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$27.98$52.16$76.35$100.53
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$32.40$63.89$95.38$126.87

Quotes For 61-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$18.86$34.51$50.17$65.82
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$23.97$44.15$64.32$84.49
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$27.50$54.08$80.48$107.25
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$24.81$46.41$68.02$89.62
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$29.04$54.28$79.52$104.77
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$34.74$68.57$102.39$136.22

Quotes For 62-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$19.63$36.06$52.49$68.92
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$25.38$46.97$68.55$90.14
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$28.88$56.83$84.72$112.75
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$26.13$49.07$72.00$94.93
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$30.64$57.48$84.33$111.17
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$36.94$72.97$108.99$145.02

Quotes For 63-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$20.46$37.72$54.98$72.23
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$26.48$49.16$71.84$94.53
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$30.07$59.22$88.37$117.52
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$27.21$51.22$75.23$99.23
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$31.71$59.61$87.52$115.42d
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$39.05$77.18$115.32$153.45

Quotes For 64-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$21.28$39.36$57.45$75.53
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$27.58$51.36$75.14$98.91
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$30.98$61.05$91.12$121.18
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$28.39$53.58$78.72$103.41
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$33.16$62.52$91.88$121.24
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$41.07$81.22$121.37$161.52

Quotes For 65-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$22.08$41.00$59.91$78.82
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$28.31$52.83$77.34$101.86
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$31.76$62.61$93.45$124.30
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$28.98$54.81$80.64$106.47
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$34.60$65.40$96.20$127.00
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$43.04$85.16$127.28$169.40

Quotes For 66-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$23.17$43.19$63.21$83.23
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$29.59$55.38$81.18$106.97
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$33.37$65.82$98.27$130.72
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$30.56$57.98$85.39$112.80
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$36.18$68.56$100.94$133.32
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$44.78$88.64$132.51$176.37

Quotes For 67-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$24.26$45.37$66.48$87.59
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$30.77$57.73$84.70$111.66
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$34.70$68.48$102.25$136.03
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$32.15$61.15$90.16$119.16
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$38.29$72.79$107.28$141.78
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$46.29$91.67$137.04$182.42

Quotes For 68-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$25.35$47.56$69.76$91.96
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$32.15$60.50$88.84$117.19
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$35.93$70.95$105.97$140.98
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$33.74$64.32$94.91$125.49
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$40.40$77.00$113.60$150.19
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$47.71$94.51$141.31$188.10

Quotes For 69-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$26.44$49.73$73.03$96.32
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$33.31$62.82$92.34$121.85
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$37.13$73.33$109.54$145.75
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$35.32$67.50$99.67$131.84
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$42.50$81.21$119.91$158.61
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$48.95$96.98$145.02$193.05

Final Expense Insurance Quotes For Seniors 70-79

Burial insurance in your 70s is still very affordable.

If you’re in this age group and don’t have a final expense burial insurance policy, now is the time to buy one.

Some people will put it off until they get to the next age bracket. Once this happens, the rates will definitely increase.

Note: Final Expense benefit amounts begin at $2,000 and go as high as $50,000. You are not limited to the benefit amounts shown below.

Quotes For 70-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$27.54$51.92$76.31$100.69
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$34.70$65.60$96.50$127.39
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$38.23$75.53$112.84$150.15
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$36.91$70.66$104.42$138.18
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$45.14$86.49$127.83$169.18
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$50.05$99.18$148.32$197.45

Quotes For 71-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$29.70$56.20$82.70$109.20
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$36.83$69.86$102.89$135.93
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$41.89$82.87$123.84$164.82
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$41.01$78.81$116.10$153.25
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$47.78$91.75$135.73$179.70
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$54.54$108.17$161.79$215.42

Quotes For 72-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$30.83$58.46$86.08$113.71
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$38.40$73.01$107.61$142.22
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$45.38$89.83$134.29$178.75
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$43.60$83.99$124.38$164.54
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$50.93$98.07$145.20$192.34
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$58.94$116.97$174.99$233.02

Quotes For 73-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$33.38$63.55$93.72$123.89
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$40.95$78.11$115.26$152.42
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$48.72$96.53$144.33$192.13
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$46.33$89.46$132.59$175.27
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$54.10$104.40$154.69$204.99
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$63.07$125.22$187.37$249.52

Quotes For 74-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$35.49$67.78$100.07$132.36
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$43.00$82.19$121.39$160.59
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$51.79$102.67$153.54$204.42
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$49.03$94.87$140.27$185.48
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$57.26$110.72$164.18$217.65
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$66.92$132.92$198.92$264.92

Quotes For 75-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$37.81$72.41$107.01$185.48
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$45.34$86.89$128.43$169.97
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$54.54$108.17$161.79$215.42
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$51.59$99.97$147.91$195.67
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$60.95$118.09$175.24$232.39
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$70.22$139.52$208.82$278.12

Quotes For 76-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$40.73$78.25$115.77$153.29
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$50.10$96.41$142.71$189.01
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$62.33$123.75$185.17$246.59
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$55.12$107.04$158.96$210.88
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$66.44$129.09$191.73$254.37
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$81.90$162.89$243.88$324.87

Quotes For 77-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$43.36$83.51$123.66$163.81
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$53.90$105.16$156.42$208.07
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$69.67$138.42$207.17$275.92
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$58.67$114.13$169.60$225.06
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$71.92$140.05$208.17$276.30
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$89.58$176.25$262.92$349.58

Quotes For 78-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$45.82$84.44$131.06$173.67
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$57.26$111.87$166.49$227.11
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$76.54$152.17$227.79$303.42
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$62.67$122.13$181.60$241.07
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$77.25$150.70$224.15$297.60
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$94.58$186.25$227.92$369.58

Quotes For 79-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$48.31$93.41$138.52$183.62
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$62.04$121.45$180.85$242.42
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$82.96$165.00$247.04$329.09
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$66.36$129.52$192.68$255.84
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$82.56$161.31$240.06$318.82
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$102.08$202.16$302.24$406.25

Final Expense Insurance Quotes For Seniors 80-85

Now that you’re in your 80s, you may have given some serious thought to buying a burial insurance policy.

You may still be able to qualify for immediate coverage, even if you have a few health issues.

Yes, that’s right. We can still get you coverage in your 80s.

Some seniors over 80 automatically think they won’t qualify because of their health issues but most of the time we can still get you covered.

If you don’t have final expense coverage over 80, please don’t put it off any longer.

The maximum insurable age for most life insurance companies is 85. Once you reach the maximum age, insurance companies consider you uninsurable.

Note: Final Expense benefit amounts begin at $2,000 and go as high as $50,000. You are not limited to the benefit amounts shown below.

Quotes For 80-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$50.82$98.30$145.65$193.00
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$65.23$126.86$188.49$250.12
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$88.64$176.37$264.09$351.82
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$71.47$139.73$207.99$276.26
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$88.36$172.93$257.49$342.06
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$104.17$206.33$308.50$415.67

Quotes For 81-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$54.71$106.21$157.72$209.22
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$72.76$142.88$213.00$288.02
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$76.58$149.95$223.32$296.69
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$93.77$183.74$273.71$363.68
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$

Quotes For 82-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$58.58$113.96$169.33$224.71
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$79.32$156.01$232.69$309.66
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$81.68$160.16$238.64$317.12
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$99.71$195.62$291.54$387.45
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$

Quotes For 83-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$62.26$121.31$180.36$239.41
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$86.24$169.69$252.63$335.58
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$87.11$171.02$254.93$338.84
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$106.19$208.58$310.97$413.36
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$

Quotes For 84-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$65.88$128.55$191.23$253.90
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$91.39$179.58$267.76$355.95
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$92.54$181.88$271.22$360.56
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$112.67$221.54$330.41$439.28
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$

Quotes For 85-Year-Olds

FemaleNoNo Waiting Period$69.55$135.90$202.25$268.60
FemaleYesNo Waiting Period$97.78$192.35$286.92$381.49
FemaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$
MaleNoNo Waiting Period$97.97$192.74$287.51$382.27
MaleYesNo Waiting Period$119.69$235.58$351.47$467.36
MaleN/AGuaranteed Issue$$$$

Why Work With FinalExpense of America?

There are hundreds of places to buy life insurance from. So why would you do business with FinalExpense of America?

We work for you. We don’t work for any specific insurance carrier. We are an independent insurance agency that works for you… the consumer.

Even though we represent over 30 top-rated carriers, we’re not biased towards any of the final expense companies we represent.

When you call our toll-free number 1-888-232-2343, you’ll notice how friendly and helpful our sales professionals are.

They take their time to provide guidance, educate and help you choose a plan that’s right for you.

Unlike some companies that have sales quotas, you’ll never be pressured into buying something that you’re not ready to buy.

Our articles are written to provide you with valuable information in hopes of answering questions that you have when it comes to final expense burial insurance.

Still have questions? Give us a call and ask away. That’s what we’re here for.

FinalExpense of America

I am the CEO and founder of FinalExpense of America. I've been helping clients with insurance products since 2013 and act as a consumer advocate, educating clients and helping them understand the different types of insurance products and how they work. FinalExpense of America is an independent insurance agency that was created to help seniors get advice and honest answers about final expense and whole life insurance products and make sure their buying experience is as easy & friendly as possible.

Published by
FinalExpense of America

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